What are the functions and benefits of Finda

Functions of Finda

Like any other enormous software,  Finda also has got its functions and benefits. There are three major functions/benefits of Finda. 

These three functions are further broken down into sub-functions.


1. Problem solving.

Finda was developed to solve numerous problems that the society is undergoing. Below is how Finda easens up some things.

i) Immediate connection between the customer and the business owner.

With the presence of the contact buttons in the Finda Business Page,  a person who wants a given product can contact the business owner instantly from the page for more clarification.

ii) Resource saving.

The  active hours element on the Finda Business Page,  enables one to see the exact hours that a particular business is open hence no wastage of time and resources visiting the place when the place is not functioning.

iii) Easy access of products and services.

Finda answers the question "where?" Many people be asking where they can find something. Finda helps you to get everything that you need without any struggles.

iv) Getting a product that is near to you.

The presence of the county module which enables a person to search the county he/she is in,  helps to get a product that is near to you.

v) You see the exact location of a product.

The presense of map enables one to see the exact location of where a given product or service is.


2. Enhancement of user friendliness.

Finda is structured in a way that,  it is very easy to operate. Its always straight to your needs and the information in the Business Page is always brief but enough. When you get into the platform,  you will not be confused in any way. Finda cares more about you.

There are three ways in which Finda Enhances user friendliness

i) Provision of first hand information.

The information that is provided in the Finda Business Page is very precise and it is always the information that everybody need.

ii) Very easy to join Finda.

For those who have businesses, Finda is very easy to join. Just by clicking the button on your bottom-left corner of your screen and taking a brief data submission and you are done. After submiting your details,  this is an example of a Finda Business Page that you will get:

Example of a Finda Business Page


iii) Mobile responsive

Finda is a platform which can be accessed from any device . May it be a laptop,  a mobile phone,  a desktop, an ipad etc.

Finda shows all the information in every device that is used to access it.


3. Business Promotion.

As a business owner who has his/her business in Finda,  it benefits them alot in these ways;

i) High google rankings.

Finda helps your business to come as the first option when someone searches for your business name on google. For those who have their businesses in Finda,  you can try to search your business name on google. It always appears the first.

ii) Rich content.

Finda has got experienced web content writers who come up with a finger-licking content which attract clients and with that,  your business is getting promoted.

Thank you and stay tuned for more and more blogs.


Published by : Amos Onyonka

Last updated : 19th January 2022

Posted on : 2020-11-19 21:58:32

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