Definition of terms used in Finda

Definition of terms

There are a number of phrases or words used in Finda which you may be stressing yourself what they mean. In this article,  you are going to get all the definitions of the terms that you have been seeing on Finda.


i) CBD

CBD is a term used along with the business name in Finda. CBD means that the business is located within the town and not in the rural areas of that particular county.


You can get a business like

"Moritech Technologies - Kisii CBD"

This means that Moritech Technologies is lacated within the Kisii town. i.e in the image above,  it means that Moritech Technologies is located within Kisii town.


ii) Join Finda

Join Finda is a phrase used to mean registering your business in Finda. By clicking the Join Finda button, you get a form whereby you are to fill brief information about your business then you will get your Finda Business Page. Next we are going to define the term Finda Business Page.


iii) Finda Business Page

Finda Business Page is a term used to mean a page that you get which explains everything about your business .This is a page that will market your business in the most effective way.

A Finda business page is acquired after you have joined Finda. A Finda Business Page helps people know where you are located,  what you offer and even contact you instantly.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more and more blogs.

Click here to see an example of a Finda Business Page


Published by : Amos Onyonka

Last updated : 19th January 2022

Posted on : 2021-06-05 21:28:59

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