What is Finda and what are the modules of Finda

1. What is Finda?

Finda is an online platform that enables society to quickly and easily locate and access the most trusted, reliable, sustainable, and nearby products and services.

2. Modules of Finda.

What is a module? This is a question that I know you will probably ask. Dont worry, here is the definition....a module is a part of a whole of something. In software development terms,  a module is a part of a software that collaborates and coordinates with other modules so as to produce a given specific results, achieve a given goal or perform a particular task.

Finda has got four good modules;

i) County module

ii) Category module

iii) Business Listings module

iv) Business Page module


i) County module.

A county module is a part of Finda which enables one to search for a county where he/she wants a servive or a product in. After searching the county,  it appears at the top so that one can click on it to redirect him/her to the next module which is called the category module.

Click here to see the county module


ii) Category module.

Finda has got a second module known as the category module. This module gives a user an access to all the categories of businesses, institutions, medical centers etc. An example of a business categories is chicken suppliers, car hire, eye clinics, computer training institutions etc... Remember all the categories that appear in this module are related to the selected county from the previous module.

Click here to see the category module


iii) Business Listing module.

This is another good module of Finda which allows  the user to see all the businesses,  institutions or medical centers that are related to the selected category from the previous module.

For an example if you selected the Computer Training Institutions category from the category module,  then it will redirect you to see a list of all the computer training institutions in that particular county.

Click here to see the business listings module


iv) Business Page module.

Lastly but not least,  Finda has a last module called the Business Page module. A Business Page in Finda is a page which shows all the  important information of that particular Business. This is the module that you get after registering your business in Finda. This is the module that markets your business. This is the most important module of Finda and it is broken down into nine important elements.

a) The business name.

This is the first element which appears at the top of your Business page which Finda will create for you. It identifies the business to the people.

b) The contact buttons.

Very important. These are the WhatsApp,  Call,  Email and SMS buttons which appear on your business page where a customer can contact you as the business owner for more information and clarification.

c) The business logo.

A logo is a clear identity of your business,  many business people ignore a logo but through a study done,  it shows that a good logo contributes more than 60% of business succession.

d) The About us information.

This is an element which answers all the "wh" questions i.e where the business is found,  what the business is,  when the business started and why the business started.

e) The map.

A map in your Business Page is an added advantage. For those people who are new in a given place,  the map helps them to get to where they want. The map shows the exact location where your business is located.

f) The Images.

Finda Business Page comes with two good and clear images that show the layout of your business or the sample products and services that you offer as a business person. This helps to show clients the kind of work that you do.

g) Products and Services.

This is an element which lists down all the products and services that you offer so that the client can be directed to the desired destination. You can also include the price of your products or services if you want.

h) Active hours.

This is another important element in your Finda Business Page which helps clients to know your active working hours so that they may not waste their resources driving or walking to your business only to get that you are closed in that particular day or hour.

Click here to see the Business Page module


Thats all about the Modules of Finda.If you need a Finda Business Page,  then click below.

Join Finda

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more.and more blogs to come


Published by : Amos Onyonka.

Last updated : 19th January 2022.

Posted on : 2021-03-19 02:45:40

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