Express Banana Suppliers - Riamaranga - Kisii

Finda | Express Banana Suppliers - Riamaranga in Kisii


About Us


We are Located in Riamaranga, 7 kilometres from Kisii town on your way to Nyamira town.

Are you in need of bananas both in bulk and for consumption? Wait no more. Express Banana Suppliers will make your work easier. Visit us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Riamaranga at the roadside and pick your banana.

Always remember to contact us before you come to pick your product (banana) so that we can know the right type you need and reserve it for you.

Express Banana Suppliers comes with your taste of bananas and we care more about your needs.


Click below to view our sample photos as well as our exact location on a map.



See map and images      


• Purely Bananas in large and small scale consumers.


Click the button on your bottom-left to contact us for more information, inquiry or booking.

Active/working hours

Monday - Call us

Tuesday - At the roadside

Wednesday - At the roadside

Thursday - Call us

Friday - Call us

Saturday - Call us

Sunday - Closed

Dear Valued Customer

If our products and services always meet your satisfaction, we would love your endorsement. Feel free to click the "Recommend" button below to show your support for Express Banana Suppliers - Riamaranga in Kisii

This will position us as champions, earning us the prestigious Business of the Season Awards (BOSA) - courtesy of Finda, which will expose our business to numerous brand visibility benefits and wide marketing.

Dear Customer,
kindly click this link, scroll to the bottom and recommend Express Banana Suppliers - Riamaranga for BOSA Awards. Remember to recommend us daily.

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